International Workshop on Boolean Functions and Their Applications

Talks and Slides

Claude Carlet ”Boolean plateaued functions, vectorial functions with plateaued components, and their APNness”

Philippe Langevin ”An interesting open question related to an old conjecture of Helleseth”

Kaisa Nyberg ”Links between differential and linear cryptanalysis and Boolean functions”

Sihem Mesnager ”Several infinite families of bent functions and their duals”

Patrick Sole ”On self-dual bent functions”

Max Sala ”Boolean functions and trapdoors in block ciphers”

Chunlei Li ”De Bruijn sequences constructed from two classes of LFSRs”

Yin Tan ”More constructions of differentially 4-uniform permutations on GF(2^{2k})”

Faruk Gologlu ”Projective polynomials and their applications in cryptography”

Tor Helleseth ”On the proof of Lin’s conjecture”

Robert Coulter ”Commutative semifields and the equivalence problem”

Alexander Kholosha ”On Niho bent functions”

Florian Caullery ”Algebraic geometry and Boolean functions”

Havard Raddum ”Solving systems of Boolean polynomials using binary decision diagrams”

Enes Pasalic ”A survey on bent functions and related combinatorial and graph theoretic aspects”

Alexander Pott ”Relative difference sets and their component functions”

Svetla Nikova ”Reversed genetic algorithms for generation of bijective S-boxes with good cryptographic properties”

Oleksandr Kazymyrov ”Algebraic-differential cryptanalysis and addition modulo 2^n”

Yongbo Xia ”Some results on cross-correlation distribution between a p-ary m-sequence and its decimated sequences”

Wilfried Meidl ”On quadratic functions from F_{p^n} to F_p”

Gaofei Wu ”Some results on bent4 functions”

Matthew Parker ”A survey of the negaHadamard transform in various contexts”